Mortehoe Museum

Mortehoe Museum

Discover the fascinating history of Mortehoe at the museum near Woolacombe, North Devon. Explore exhibits and learn about local heritage.

Come and explore the fascinating history of North Devon at Mortehoe Museum! Our inviting museum near Woolacombe is filled with intriguing exhibits and artefacts that will transport you back in time. From local maritime history to the area’s rich agricultural heritage, there’s something for everyone to discover. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn about the past and connect with the present. 

Mortehoe Museum is tucked away in the centre of the village. Turn into the car park opposite the Post Office, come right through until you reach the children’s play area and there we are, at one side, down a little garden path.

 Our building started life as a ‘cart linhay’ – a cart shed – one of Town Farm’s buildings.

“Small is beautiful . . . we are a tiny treasure trove!”

The Museum is a registered charity run by the Mortehoe Heritage Trust, and came into being in the mid-1990s as a result of the foresight and vision of two local people in particular: Lady Pat Knight and Mr Ray Easterbrook. Ray’s parents had farmed at Yarde Farm and he and his family farmed at North Morte Farm, and, while there are three local farms that are still working farms (Damage Barton, Great Roadway Farm and Borough Farm – it is the sheep of the latter that you will see grazing on Morte Point), Pat saw that the old way-of-life was in danger of being lost, with nowhere to house memories and artefacts and keep the heritage of the area alive.

Originally launched as the ‘Mortehoe Cart Linhay Heritage Centre’, the Museum serves the Parish of Mortehoe, which officially includes Woolacombe. We offer displays that include farming, shipwrecks, Bull Point Lighthouse, the rise of tourism, features of the local scenery etc.


We have some fabulous items for sale in our shop, including photographs and paintings by local artists, a super range of books, including many local ones and children’s books, plus maps, nature guides, greetings cards, semi-precious stones, jewellery . . . and much more!

Best of all – admission is free! (Although we welcome donations to help towards our running costs.)

Do come along to see us – we look forward to welcoming you! Sue Hill

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Mortehoe Museum

Discover the fascinating history of Mortehoe at the museum near Woolacombe, North Devon. Explore exhibits and learn about local heritage.

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